Thursday, March 06, 2008

Too funny for words!

Okay, so I cannot remember who's blog I visited the other day that made me find this video, but whoever it was....thank you. I laughed sooo hard at this clip! I watched it over and over again and it never stopped getting funny.
Talking Cat

Plus, I wanted to share one of my favorite commercials recently. What the French........toast?
Orbitz Dirty Mouth

I'll be back later, just wanted to share these with you this morning!! Hope they make you smile!


Tanis said...

I LOVE the talking cat....he makes me laugh over and over's a youtube video with him in it too, but there's some other nifty cats...

Now I have to go watch the commercial!

Amy said...

Hi Heidi!
That Orbitz commercial is one of my favorites too. It's just hilarious!
